As the former senior vice president of human resources at three Fortune 1000 companies, I oversaw the hiring of thousands of employees. To fill those jobs we would literally receive tens of thousands of résumés. My recruiters spent as much, or perhaps more, time screening out candidates as they did helping select the three or four finalists we ended up referring to the hiring manager.
Author Archives: Lee Miller
Divorce can be a career limiting event if you aren’t careful
Career coach Roy Cohen’s client, a former managing director at a major investment bank, had a drinking problem but was able to keep it sufficiently under control so it didn’t affect his work.
Don’t let summer heat warp your sense of proper office dress
Now that the warm weather has finally arrived, along with it comes the question: “What should I wear to work?” Relaxed summer dress rules go into effect and good fashion judgment often goes out the window
Career Advice for New Graduates: Make it Personal
Despite some signs the job market will be better for college graduates, the reality is that finding a good job upon graduation remains extremely difficult.